Dota 2 figurines

We make all kinds of figures, so the price depends very much on the complexity of the order, and additional options you want, such as sets and arcana.

The figurines are made of photopolymer resin, which ensures durability and reliable safety during transportation. Sets and arcana will slightly increase the cost of the figurine in production, but at the same time they will make it as unique as possible and you will definitely not regret it, about the fact that they bothered to come up with a more original and beautiful figure.

The standard size of a DotA 2 figurine is from 10 centimeters, on average 13 cm, depending on the specific character. But if you want, you can make a larger size, which will most likely increase the cost and production time.

The production time of the figurine is from a week or more. Timing is affected by: Have we made this figure before? - the complexity of the character model - additional options (colors, sets, arcana, size)

When ordering several figures for every third 10% discount

Figure Dragon Knight
Dragon Knight

Transforms into a formidable ranged dragon

Figure Earth Spirit
Earth Spirit

Disables and repositions his enemies

Figure Elder Titan
Elder Titan

Damages and disables with his astral spirit

Figure Enchantress

Enchants neutral creeps to do her bidding

Figure Faceless Void
Faceless Void

Can freeze his enemies in time

Figure Grimstroke

Disables enemies with a swipe of his brush

Figure Gyrocopter

Barrages with his cannon and homing missiles

Figure Hoodwink

Shackles her enemies to trees

Figure Huskar

Sacrifices his health to deal more damage

Figure Invoker

Weaves magic with an array of spell combos

Figure Io

Links to its allies to buff them

Figure Jakiro

Freezes and burns enemies with magic

Figure Keeper of the Light
Keeper of the Light

Provides instant mana to allies

Figure Kunkka

Disrupts enemy positioning and disables them

Figure Legion Commander
Legion Commander

Increases power with each duel victory