Charges down enemies from anywhere on the map

We have not made this hero yet, but we can make it the same as in the game or with changes to the to your desires, or add sets and arcana, as well as decorate it in other colors .

Highly mobile and always aggressive, Spirit Breaker charges across the map to bring the fight to his enemies. With each bash of his heavy lantern, he knocks his foes senseless. His enemies may run, but with the help of a few wards, they cannot hide.

Dota 2 Hero Figurine Spirit Breaker

Height of figurine from 10 cm

Material photopolymer resin

On the base of the figure, we can write the player's nickname or any inscription of your choice.

Barathrum the Spirit Breaker is a lordly and powerful being, a fierce and elemental intelligence which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in the elemental realm that is his home. To that end, he assembled a form that would serve him well, both in our world and out of it. His physical form borrows from the strengths of this world, blending features both bovine and simian--horns, hooves and hands--as outward emblems of his inner qualities of strength, speed and cunning. He wears a ring in his nose, as a reminder that he serves a hidden master, and that this world in which he works is but a shadow of the real one.
