Haunts her enemies and teleports to her target

The pictures you see are images of already made figurines, but we can make another figurine of the same hero for you .

Spectre haunts her enemies wherever they may be. Able to destroy lone prey with ease, she spreads her presence throughout the battlefield to choose her target. Once she has gathered her strength, none can escape her terrible wrath.

Dota 2 Hero Figurine Spectre

Height of figurine from 10 cm

Material photopolymer resin

On the base of the figure, we can write the player's nickname or any inscription of your choice.

Just as higher states of energy seek a lower level, the Spectre known as Mercurial is a being of intense and violent energy who finds herself irresistibly drawn to scenes of strife as they unfold in the physical world. While her normal spectral state transcends sensory limitations, each time she takes on a physical manifestation, she is stricken by a loss of self--though not of purpose. In the clash of combat, her identity shatters and reconfigures, and she begins to regain awareness. She grasps that she is Mercurial the Spectre--and that all of her Haunts are but shadows of the one true Spectre. Focus comes in the struggle for survival; her true mind reasserts itself; until in the final moments of victory or defeat, she transcends matter and is restored once more to her eternal form.
