Reflects enemy damage and stuns

We have not made this hero yet, but we can make it the same as in the game or with changes to the to your desires, or add sets and arcana, as well as decorate it in other colors .

Nyx Assassin is always hunting for fragile targets. Sneaking invisibly through the forest, when he spots his prey, he swipes them with his deadly claws and impales them on stunning spikes, then reverses any counterattack with his reflecting carapace.

Dota 2 Hero Figurine Nyx Assassin

Height of figurine from 10 cm

Material photopolymer resin

On the base of the figure, we can write the player's nickname or any inscription of your choice.

Deep in the Archive of Ultimyr, shelved between scholarly treatises on dragon cladistics and books of untranslatable spells, there is an ancient tome of entomological curiosities. Compiled by scholars, the book describes the telepathic talents of the zealot scarab, a strange species of social insect with abilities unique to all the seven planes.

Unlike most grubs of his colony, Nyx Assassin did not arise from metamorphosis with the plodding thoughts and blunted appendages common to the worker caste of his kind. For his was a special transformation, guided by the grace of Nyx. He was the chosen one, selected from the many and anointed with an extract of the queen goddess herself. Not all survive the dark blessing of the queen's chamber, but he emerged with a penetrating mind, and dagger-like claws--his razor sharp mandibles raking the air while his thoughts projected directly into the minds of those around him. Of all zealot scarabs, he alone was selected for the highest calling. After his metamorphosis, he was reborn, by grace of Nyx, with abilities which shaped him for one thing and one thing only: to kill in the name of his goddess.
