Dashes and rolls in to disrupt enemy movements
We have not made this hero yet, but we can make it the same as in the game or with changes to the
to your desires, or add sets and arcana, as well as decorate it in other colors
Eager to dash into danger at a moment's notice, the Pangolier thrives on
disrupting enemy movements and placing himself in the midst of chaos. Artfully guiding his blade between cracks in armor and shrugging off attacks with his
protective scales, this graceful swordsman is always ready to roll into battle.
Dota 2 Hero Figurine Pangolier
Height of figurine from 10 cm
Material photopolymer resin
On the base of the figure, we can write the player's nickname or any inscription of your choice.
The men and women that make up the Nivan Gallants live a life of swordplay, chandelier swinging, and tawdry romance. And while all adhere to their creed that “A life of adventure is the only life worth living,” the exploits of Donté Panlin still manage to raise the eyebrows of even the most hedonistic of swordsmen.
There is no monster he won’t slay. No creature he won’t woo. No tyrant he won’t stand against. And no noble immune to his silver tongue.