Steals enemy mana to fuel his own abilities

We have not made this hero yet, but we can make it the same as in the game or with changes to the to your desires, or add sets and arcana, as well as decorate it in other colors .

Lion gives enemies little chance to retaliate. Stunning targets with a damaging row of spikes, or temporarily transforming them into a harmless critter, even if his powerful spells aren't enough, he and his allies should still have all the time they need to slay their foes.

Dota 2 Hero Figurine Lion

Height of figurine from 10 cm

Material photopolymer resin

On the base of the figure, we can write the player's nickname or any inscription of your choice.

Once a Grandmaster of the Demon Witch tradition of sorcery, Lion earned fame among his brethren for fighting on the side of light and righteousness. But adulation corrupts. With powers surpassed only by his ambition, the mage was seduced by a demon and turned to evil, trading his soul for prestige. After committing horrible crimes that marred his soul, he was abandoned. The demon betrayed him, striking better deals with his enemies. Such was Lion's rage that he followed the demon back to hell and slew it, ripping it limb from limb, taking its demonic hand for his own. However, such demonoplasty comes at a cost. Lion was transfigured by the process, his body transformed into something unrecognizable. He rose from hell, rage incarnate, slaying even those who had once called him master, and laying waste to the lands where he had once been so adored. He survives now as the sole practitioner of the Demon Witch tradition, and those who present themselves as acolytes or students are soon relieved of their mana and carried off by the faintest gust of wind.
